![]() In November 2014, neurologist Dale Bredesen M.D., published the first article on reversing cognitive decline. Using a combination of approaches centered on lifestyle and supplements, 9 out of a total of 10 patients reversed their dementia, and 6 of them even went back to work (1). I was very excited when I read that article, especially because Dr. Bredesen’s approach fits so well within a functional medicine framework. I couldn’t wait to put it into practice and wrote a blog post about it (some-approaches-can-reverse-cognitive-decline.html). Since then, I have taken Dr. Bredesen’s 3-day training for health care providers who want to apply the Bredesen protocol (now called “ReCODE”, for “reversal of cognitive decline”). I have also been seeing several patients for a few months and noticing some encouraging early results. A few patients are just starting to receive results of blood tests that will help us focus our efforts at reversal. In August 2017, Dr. Bredesen published his book “The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline.” The book promptly sold out on Amazon but should be in stock again in early September. It is also available as a Kindle version, which is what I got. Though I had already spent many hours studying this information and organizing it to make it usable, I still found the book highly valuable. I also read it with an eye to considering whether it might be possible for many people to implement ReCODE on their own. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO What is the ReCODE approach? Basically you put into place universally beneficial habits (sleep, exercise, diet, stress reduction), and add supplements, alongside repairing dysfunctional processes (digestion, hormone function, processing of toxins) to the point that a number of blood test values are “optimized.” The ranges used by conventional labs are not sufficient here – we are looking to reverse illness so everything has to be “optimized.” And then you add supplements and herbs which in sufficient doses are known to enhance cognitive function. As you will see, the devil is in the details, but if you understand cognitive decline, it’s obvious that this would be the way to go. “The End of Alzheimer’s” starts by reviewing the current beliefs about dementia – as summarized, for example, on the web page of the Alzheimer's Association – stating that basically, Alzheimer’s Disease is considered incurable and lacks effective medications to manage its symptoms. A search for “Bredesen” on the Association’s website turns up some references to grants from a decade ago, focusing on basic research rather than clinical research. I could not find the 2014 article mentioned above, and the subsequent clinical articles authored by Bredesen (2), (3). One chapter of Bredesen’s book focuses on how a dementia patient feels. I loved this analysis: until now, people were not able to report on how things felt while they were in the throes of this disease because they never regained enough clarity to make the comparison. There’s nothing more compelling, once you have recovered a function, than to look back and remember how things were when you had lost it. For example, “Eleanor” recounts:
WHAT NOT TO DO Another chapter outlines what most people do wrong that causes them to get ill, and much of it applies to Alzheimer’s, other dementias, and other conditions that involve inflammation (which is most other chronic conditions, from depression, to autoimmune disease, to joint and muscle pains and digestive issues). It's a funny chapter, and also poignant, because it describes the way we functional physicians go through life – seeing hidden dangers where there was previously routine: the morning mocha and danish pastry, tuna sandwiches, diet sodas, afternoon candy, pasta dinners, and mildewy basements. I have to admit, those were almost daily “exposures” for me for decades. Dr. Bredesen writes:
A theme throughout the book is the near universal negative reaction of respected neurologists and people’s primary care physicians. It seems hard to believe that medicine would be so rigid, but at the same time, that is not entirely a bad thing. It would be a problem if we adopted new treatments without giving them much thought or study. However, from the point of view of functional medicine, a ReCODE type approach is completely in keeping with what we normally do successfully in pursuit of reversing other illnesses. The skepticism toward ReCODE is the same as that regarding reversing type 2 diabetes, or hypertension, or arthritis. Most people’s primary care and specialist physicians are very critical and remain in disbelief. Strikingly, they do not reach out to us to investigate, as though they were not interested. But I believe instead that they simply don’t trust themselves to figure out if something is really working: they would rather wait for an official guideline. The problem with dementia, as with many of the other “incurable” illnesses patients face, is that patients don’t have years to wait, and may even have lost faith in a system swayed by big business interests. ![]() THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE BOOK Part 2 of the book delves into the science that explains how dementia comes about, and thus how these problems can be tackled and reversed. The science is very well laid out, with useful metaphors – some of which I immediately adopted with my “cognitive decline” patients. I find that knowing how something works improves my motivation to implement a complicated program. Dr. Bredesen compares cognitive decline to the “roof with 36 holes:” it’s raining in your house because the roof has many defects – not just a few. If you fix just two or three, it will continue to rain in your house. Another way I understand it is the problem of “feed-forward cycles” – to interrupt a negative feedback loop, you just need to stop one event from happening. But in a system of interconnected feed-forward cycles, you have to stop most of the links. So ReCODE is very much the inevitable conclusion of Dr. Bredesen's years of basic research. The novelty here is not the belief that mercury, or mold, or B vitamin deficiencies, or lack of thyroid hormone, can cause dementia. These are well-established medical facts. The novelty is in demonstrating that even small alterations in these parameters (being in the “normal,” but not the “optimal” range) can add up and create devastating decline. Reductionist clinical experiments, where only a single parameter is changed, will often have negative results where a combination of changes would have succeeded. But that, again, is functional medicine, and Dr. Bredesen admits that he was influenced by his wife Aida, an integrative physician. It is Dr. Sid Baker’s old metaphor: if you’re sitting on three thumb tacks, removing one will not make you feel better. The argument from the conventional medicine side is that big enough studies will include enough patients who are lacking only one aspect to get picked up in the statistics. Unfortunately this is not how Alzheimer’s disease develops: you often need more than one impairment to develop it, and reversing it requires you fix them all – thus very few people get better when you address only one of their impairments. In the book, you will learn about three major types of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as type 1.5, which combines type 1 and type 2. These three types are the ones most easily reversed. Now you begin to have a framework for the tasks that lie ahead, but it will require first figuring out what type you have, and this means laboratory testing. NUTS AND BOLTS There is no reason your primary care provider cannot order all the laboratory tests suggested in the book and use Dr. Bredesen’s optimal ranges to pinpoint sources of problems. There is a skill set that comes with fixing some of these deficiencies, but it is certainly a good first step to identify them. Insurance sometimes pays for this, and flexible spending accounts may cover the supplements that help address some of the problems found. But your physician will likely not order and interpret lab tests simply based on a book, because as I mentioned earlier, they are most likely waiting for an official recommendation from the American Board of Internal Medicine, Board of Family Physicians, or equivalent neurology association. And the expert panels are not yet convinced. So, the question arises as to how realistic it is to think that many people would navigate this protocol on their own. It is a complex endeavor in the face of an emotionally charged situation. Nonetheless, some patients have done so, and I can’t think of any other way to bring about change than to empower patients to feel hopeful, and to pressure their physicians and insurance companies politely and persistently until more get on board. By combining several direct-to-consumer sources like 23andme and DirectLabs or RequestATest, one can make some headway, assuming hormone status is optimal. If hormone therapy is needed, a physician's prescription for thyroid hormone, for estrogens, for progesterone, and/or testosterone will be required, and any physician would first have to be convinced that they are needed and safe. The services of a Bredesen-trained health care provider can be expensive, so I would love to see a calculation of how much money patients save when we use tricks we know for less expensive lab tests, specific supplements. We also use our experience and expertise to avoid going down wrong paths. If anyone has already calculated the cost of getting these labs without a physician, please leave a comment. I used a random few labs to get a quick sense: TEST IN MY PRACTICE IF PATIENT ORDERS total T3 $0-4 Direct Labs: $49 free and total testosterone $0-15 Direct Labs $79 Hemoglobin A1C $0-4 Direct Labs $119 Homocysteine $0-4 Direct Labs $69 ApoE4 genetic test $1-50 $199 for 23andme I believe you will spend a lot more ordering labs on your own than through a savvy functional medicine provider, perhaps in the order of $2000 more. Also, you will not be able to get all of them: I could not find the innate immune labs required for a diagnosis of mold impact on Direct Labs. I imagine that Dr. Bredesen could not write a book where he tells people to go see a functional medicine physician (though he does provide a link in Addendum A). And the truth is I am hopelessly biased, as seeing individual patients is in fact how I make my living. But do take a look for yourself, and make your own decision. Some of the tests mentioned do require a physician who knows enough integrative medicine to know of (and believe in) testing using Cyrex Labs, interpret integrative stool testing, prescribe the chelator for the urine heavy metal testing, etc. You may need a provider who knows how to take patients off proton pump inhibitors, how to control blood sugar and reverse prediabetes, how to use a low carb/high fat diet safely, treat for mold illness (CIRS – chronic inflammatory response syndrome), Lyme disease and co-infections, and mercury overload. Those of us who practice functional medicine have had to learn each of the above since our graduation from medical school, as well as keep up with advances as would be required of any physician. The 25 annual hours that are mandated in order to keep our licenses fall far short — this is why we can’t accept insurance rates of reimbursement that are based on a model where a physician sees 20 patients a day. HOW TO PROCEED I believe that any hope of making ReCODE more affordable might lie in setting up group visits. Especially at first, it could be much more cost-effective to go through the evaluation and intervention with a group of patients and their caregivers. This will require that enough patients reach out to us to start setting up these groups. Some of my colleagues dream of a ReCODE “center,” where patients could go and attend a series of classes, be seen by physicians in a cost-efficient manner, and quickly be on their way to improving cognition. “The End of Alzheimer’s” goes on to discuss the steps necessary to follow the protocol in great detail, and some common problems faced by those who have. In person, Dr. Bredesen is positive, encouraging, hopeful. He has witnessed miracles after a professional lifetime of seeing drug treatments fail. He has worked all his life to understand this disease, and the solution to the problem turns out to be a complicated one. As in other endeavors in life, it’s of little use to wish for what is not true to become true. Instead, we ought to “turn around and face in the direction the horse is going.”(4) This is one disease that cannot be solved by a single cutting edge pharmaceutical agent, not in 2017, but you don’t have to just decline and suffer. Commit to the ReCODE protocol for 6 months, and then decide if what you lose in implementing ReCODE is worth the bargain of saving your brain. ONLINE APPROACH I have put together a video outlining how I plan to structure an online course to take patients through a protocol to reverse/prevent cognitive decline structured on Dr. Bredesen's approach. REFERENCES (1) Aging 2014 Sep;6(9):707-17. Reversal of cognitive decline: a novel therapeutic program Bredesen DE (2) Aging 2016 Jun;8(6):1250-8 Reversal of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease. Bredesen DE, Amos EC, Canick J, Ackerley M, Raji C, Fiala M, Ahdidan J. (3) Aging 2016 Feb;8(2):304-13. Inhalational Alzheimer's disease: an unrecognized - and treatable - epidemic. Bredesen DE (4) The Five Things We Cannot Change, David Richo, 2006
Joseph L Birbiglia
9/6/2017 01:24:19 pm
My Dad at 90 died of Alzheimer's
Myrto Ashe
9/6/2017 03:24:18 pm
Indeed, this is a common illness, and often people may need care decades before their death. However, of the patients I have been seeing, two are in their 50s. The need to learn how to reverse this is pressing at any age.
Jenny Yoxen
10/8/2017 01:44:24 pm
Thank you for this summary and review. I am on my 3rd reading of the book!
Myrto Ashe
10/10/2017 08:45:40 am
You're welcome, Jenny. I'm considering offering a free webinar leading to a 12-month exploration of the Bredesen protocol, for people who are trying to prevent or arrest early decline. Stay tuned or sign up for the newsletter - I will post both places.
10/12/2017 09:36:15 pm
I would be highly interested in this!
Myrto Ashe
10/12/2017 10:04:46 pm
Karen, go to the top of the page with the yellow flower where it says "subscribe to our newsletter" - I will let you know when I figure out dates for the webinar. I will probably check these comments too and add people to the email.
Darrin Hutchinson
10/16/2017 08:25:38 pm
I need any and all info on this illness
Craig Smith
12/14/2017 10:57:55 pm
I would be interested in such a webinar of the Bredesen protocol. Craig
Nancy Kemp
12/16/2017 06:50:34 am
Interested in webinar and newsletter — thanks
Cort Proctor
1/24/2018 08:23:43 am
My wife is in denial. Maybe this will help.
Bob Wilber
2/5/2018 05:14:11 pm
I am very interested in your findings . How do I proceed?
Myrto Ashe
2/5/2018 05:29:32 pm
@BobWilber: To proceed in applying the protocol, if you are a California resident or are able to travel for the initial visit, you can see me as a provider (navigate to Contact and send email). If not, or if you live out of the state, you will need your own Bredesen protocol provider. To find one, you have two options:
Elizabeth Barnett
2/8/2018 09:05:46 pm
Thank you! I am very grateful for the support. I feel like this book is a gift and I am encouraged by the positive changes I have noticed just adding Intermittent fasting and modifying the diet. I have totally immersed myself in identifying the areas that need to be optimized but it is a long road without support.
Mary Raedel
4/12/2019 03:13:06 pm
As I am Apoe4, I would be very interested in a webinar.
Sarah Dubroc
7/9/2019 08:40:09 pm
Please let me know if you do this course . My husband is a pharmacist, has natural medicine certification, and now has dementia 5/6/2021 09:16:11 am
I lost an aunt and my mom to Alzheimers. I have almost reversed type 2 diabetes and I want to do all I can to prevent other big issues like it.
David Skvarla
10/10/2017 06:15:01 am
Dr Ashe,
Myrto Ashe
10/10/2017 08:46:06 am
Thanks for the kind words!
Debi Lee
10/16/2017 01:05:32 pm
I really loved this article. It just spoke to my heart. I'm very keen on the ReCode... you are just what iI wish I could find! As I read this I am crying. I wish so much I could bring my mother to you. She's only 74 and in early stage. We need not only to fight but to strike with accuracy not as you said run down dead end roads. Complicate things by stuffing random supplements down her that could make her feel worse! I can't find someone who is like you close in location to my mom in Eastern Washington. She's not able to go to the Seattle area. Just too far (3.5 hrs). I found a functional medicine Dr. A half hour away but they do not use the protocol nor do I think they know about it when I asked. Our hearts are breaking.. I'm not a commenter ... but I absolutely randomly came across this page of yours and I had to say something. I'm hopeful for this treatment to progress and get out there yet saddened we can't come to someone like you or find help at this point for this very specific treatment. As e all know time is not a friend of AD. Thank you so much for your skill for clear communication. Best wishes
Myrto Ashe
10/16/2017 02:49:23 pm
Thank you Debi! I am working on an online program to reverse cognitive decline. In a case like your mom's (not in California), you would work together with a doctor willing to order lab testing, but you would get the guidance and support of a Bredesen-trained practitioner.
Debi Lee
10/16/2017 03:24:38 pm
Dr Ashe,
10/21/2017 11:49:58 pm
Very Informative and useful. Keep it up the great work.
Myrto Ashe
10/23/2017 09:02:17 am
Thank you for the kind words. I wonder if an assisted living facility somewhere might specialize in milder forms of dementia and through diet/exercise/sleep/stress reduction and a functional medical director, undertake to reverse some of these patients. It's too bad that it's so hard to reverse by the time people need supportive care...
Rosemary Griggs
10/27/2017 04:33:31 pm
My 53 year old sister has been diagnosed with EO Alzheimer’s. We are devastated! The doctors in TN don’t seem to care, not even the ones at a famous hospital here! I live 4,000+ miles away and feel helpless!! I’m reading Dr. Bredesen’s book and will see if I can help her family implement the ReCode program. Thank you for this insightful review!
Myrto Ashe
11/6/2017 06:24:13 pm
Hi Rosemary,
1/2/2018 08:39:00 am
I live in West Tennessee, just finished the book & am going to discuss it with my family physician who is very open to natural methods of dealing with illnesses. Thanks for your post.
Marilyn Mott
2/10/2018 03:49:53 pm
How close are you to Asheville, NC? I have been fortunate to find a Bredesen trained Doctor for my husband in my area and I was told that there were some also in the Asheville area. As noted, it is hard to do 'on your own' because of the labs required and the knowledge needed to interpret the optimal levels of the supplements. Like one of the former bloggers, I found that my husband's neurologist was not interested, even though he told me that he had read the book that I had sent him the information.
Blayne Mackey
11/7/2017 06:24:08 pm
My wife is 68 and in the middle stage of Alzheimers. We live in Ontario about two hours east of Toronto. I read the book about six weeks ago and got very excited about the possibilities. I have tried to reach the MPI group on several occasions to get a list of practitioners trained in the protocol but have had "zero" response. I'm starting to wonder if this is just all about selling the book?
Myrto Ashe
11/7/2017 06:35:34 pm
It's definitely not about selling the book, which tends to be not a great money-maker anyways. Dr. Bredesen is definitely passionate about this. I have several patients who have found me through MPI, so it works to call them at least sometimes. Do also look on the Institute for Functional Medicine website, in case there's someone on that list close to you, and then perhaps a functionally trained Canadian doctor they can collaborate with. At the very least I know a dietician I would trust (I know her very well) who lives near Detroit - perhaps she could be of help. Her name is Aarti Batavia - she is fully trained, functional medicine certified, and working very closely with Dr. Bredesen. http://aartibatavia.com/
Blayne Mackey
11/26/2017 04:21:24 pm
I finally found a Functional Medicine Doctor trained in the Bredesen protocol who is processing in Ottawa Ontario which is just two hours up the road from where we live. We see her for our first visit in two weeks. I am cautiously optimistic that this will work. There seems to be quite a bit of new evidence pointing in that direction. It sure would be nice to hear more of the success stories as that would give us all a bit more hope.
Myrto Ashe
11/27/2017 07:42:00 am
Good luck in this journey! One resource I just found out about is The Power of Eight groups, where people come together to "intend for each other" - it's a powerful way to turn on healing in themselves as well. It seems to me we can't neglect any of these powerful tools when trying to accomplish something both very difficult and highly meaningful.
1/2/2018 12:43:57 pm
@Blayne Mackey: Who is the practitioner in Ottawa? Thanks.
Heidi G Rexin
11/13/2017 10:18:17 am
You have to sign up for Dr. Bredesen's $75/month program with a year long commitment Before they will give you the practitioner list! I call unethical :(
Myrto Ashe
11/13/2017 10:50:14 am
You can find practitioners on the Institute for Functional Medicine's find a practitioner site. These are also people trained by Dr. Bredesen.
Myrto Ashe
11/13/2017 11:03:04 am
Also, I do understand the advantages of having people on software for the protocol. It allows them to get a sense for quality control, to potentially do some anonymous research, and to get some ongoing funds for running the site. Hopefully the advantages of being a part of this process (maybe sense of community, tangible support) make it a win-win.
Heidi G Rexin
11/13/2017 11:07:48 am
I agree being on the software appears to have advantages and good info. I just would like to see a practitioner first.
2/10/2018 04:02:44 pm
This was also my concern, but they give you a chance to see the list and to call to set up an appointment with the practitioner before they charge your card. Some appointments are three months out,
3/22/2018 06:36:08 pm
I read the report when it first came out and was very excited and hopeful (my grandfather, my mother, and both of her siblings suffered from early onset). I bought the book. I read the book. Again -- hopeful. Until I saw that it's a program you commit to before even finding out if there's a doctor in your state. It seems they could at least tell you that. My general feeling (and I hate to say this) is that if something seems to good to be true, it generally is. And if something seems like it's marketing on the same level as a Jenny Craig or South Beach Diet plan -- it's generally a scam. Maybe there is real science behind this, but how unethical to ask people (desperate people -- and that's who snake oil sellers seek out) to "sign up" to find out if there's someone nearby who can save your life.
Myrto Ashe
3/22/2018 06:56:19 pm
Carol, I certainly see your point, but think about it this way: I believe MPI Cognition must offer you someone to help you if you sign up with them. Either they will find you someone who can work with you on the phone, or someone you can see in your state. The question is, do you want guidance in trying this?
Arlene Maletta
11/10/2017 02:50:17 pm
Fabulous review of this wonderful book. I am on my second reading, and taking notes for myself. Scared silly, I am about to become a caretaker for a close family member. While I felt frightened during the first read, your review gave me the courage to continue on with my plan. Thank you.
Myrto Ashe
11/13/2017 10:50:47 am
You are welcome! And best of luck.
Heidi G Rexin
11/13/2017 10:21:22 am
Can I order my own lab tests (can be done other than maybe the imaging) and then get a consultation with a practitioner? I have no insurance.
Myrto Ashe
11/13/2017 11:00:52 am
Without insurance, if you know you are having some issues already, it is probably better to get a provider first. They should be signed up to Professional Co-op, which is a prepaid service through Labcorp that gives some deep discounts on labs (or something similar but I don't know of another). If you know you will be seeing a provider, I still think you will come out ahead by seeing one first. You might set it up with them for just an initial visit and you will read the labs yourself. It's really not ideal, but your choice on some level. Add up the labs and see what the cost would be. On our end, we should figure out what it costs when we order through Professional Co-op.
11/16/2017 11:47:31 am
Dr. Ashe--I just came across your article and thought I would contact you. My wife is currently in the Bredesen Protocol. She has been in it for 3 months now. I have started to notice a couple of small changes so far. If nothing else, this program gives us HOPE where as listening to her Neurologist, and basically giving her her death sentence.
Myrto Ashe
11/16/2017 01:31:10 pm
Thanks for writing Ryan. I'm so glad your wife is starting to do better - and also no longer declining, perhaps? That is noticeable with some people.
Edward R. Blonz PhD
11/26/2017 10:32:46 am
There is now a more definitive understanding of the metabolic conditions that start the body on the road toward Alzheimer's disease. Please read the new paper in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. I am the author of this paper. I have provided a link to the paper, along with a 2-page explanation of the concepts in less-scientific terminology at: https://goo.gl/LwYP5z
Myrto Ashe
11/27/2017 07:36:30 am
Thank you for contributing your article to the discussion. The Bredesen protocol does address these issues with glucose utilization, by focusing on insulin resistance in the body (and thus the brain) and by often recommending a ketogenic diet.
12/1/2017 06:29:11 pm
I have just read the book. As a PHD scientist (Nutrition PhD Tufts and neuroscience Post doc Harvard) on first reed of his papers and book it makes Scientific sense. My grandmother died of complications of AD at the age if 95 and last 5 years were dreadful. Even though I’m negative for apoe4 genetic test, I’m concerned that I may be predisposed to it. So I came to my PCP with a list of tests and they did test for what they could. I have to go to GYN to get the hormones done. Now making a spreadsheet to see where I need improvement and supplementation. I’m thinking of taking his course to be able to incorporate it into our nutrition practice but would love to find a functional medicine practice to work with so I could just focus on diet piece.
Myrto Ashe
12/22/2017 02:11:15 pm
For those of you waiting to hear about GROUP PROGRAMS, please read today's blog post: http://www.unconventionalmedicine.net/blog/december-22nd-2017
Julie Mattern
12/22/2017 03:41:33 pm
Thank you for the article. My grandmother died of Alzheimers when she was 80 but she functionally died many years prior. My mother who feared for her own self is 84 and doing well although declining slowly. I am 60 and now fear for myself. There are so many things I still want to do. This information gives me hope and I plan to proceed with a 23andme screen in the next few days. A webinar would be wonderful. The physicians where I live are just beginning to talk to patients about reCODE. I have a decent Neurologist who is within the UCSF extension where I live. Again...there is hope.
Myrto Ashe
12/26/2017 08:57:40 am
I am proceeding with a free webinar on January 10th and an online course, as well as a local small group to address prevention/reversal of cognitive decline.
J Star Patterson
12/26/2017 03:53:05 am
My husband, age 85, just diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I've recognized signs for 4 years since my last husband died with cancer and Vascular Dementia. I'm 83 and stress weary, how can I go through this again. Just read the Bredesen book. Hopeful but overwhelming! My memory is about as bad as husband's! Amen's testing shows memory and stress problems - not Alzheimer's.. QUESTION: IF....if my husband followed the protocol...what hope beyond?...he also has ASPERGER'S. So, still would be left with the multiple stress I have lived with due to Asperger's. Is there any hope you can give me?
Myrto Ashe
12/26/2017 09:06:57 am
You definitely have a lot on your hands. I have been pondering this question of the caregivers needing a tremendous amount of support themselves, because managing someone else's daily life when they are declining is very hard, even harder when the person has challenges him/herself, which is the situation you are describing.
Mary halvey
12/26/2017 06:58:08 am
Interested both parents had dementia and have passed
Myrto Ashe
12/26/2017 08:59:07 am
Please visit this page and sign up there for details of the webinar and online course: Visit this page for details: http://www.unconventionalmedicine.net/blog/december-22nd-2017
1/3/2018 05:19:10 pm
So glad to see this! I bought the book in September and was convinced that it was the answer that I had prayed for my husband. Was so excited that I approached his neurologist about doing the program--not interested, he was doing 3 clinical trials with big pharma. And no, my husband was not eligible for those. So I kept sending emails, and phone calls trying to find the name of a practitioner before signing up for the year commitment. Have our first visit tomorrow, with labs, MRI, and health coach. The ReCode payments do not start until you have connected with the practitioner.
Robert Ansell
1/7/2018 11:47:32 pm
My wife was diagnosed with dementia at age 70. Sadly I knew much earlierbut could not convince doctor that she was declining. I’m reading the book now with great interest. As one of Colombian journalists in both of Bogota’s prime newspapers. I have advocated for her. She is the love of my life and would give my life to save her. Awful disease! Thanks for the review .
Lasantha Pethiyagoda
1/13/2018 07:42:23 am
I have often wondered why mainstream practitioners would rather follow established guidelines and never experiment with alternative methods even when there is no hope left under the former. Feeling 'safe' from law-suits perhaps trumps compassion and empathy. I wish you all success in further developing this protocol and enabling its popularity among sufferers..
Myrto Ashe
1/24/2018 08:59:04 am
Having been the sort of physician who would have rolled her eyes at this sort of approach, 10 years ago, I would say this is not at all a lack of compassion or empathy on the part of conventional physicians.
Jay Lester
1/18/2018 01:31:01 pm
Please provide me with the names of 12 or more people (at least their first name and initial) who have gone through your program for at least one year and their comments.
Myrto Ashe
1/24/2018 08:51:57 am
Your concerns are valid, and so I wrote the blog post to explain why I believe a functional medicine approach along the lines of the Bredesen protocol would benefit patients and could be expected to reverse their cognitive decline.
Hannah N.
1/29/2018 08:41:08 pm
Thank you for your review, and your motivation to assist in making this program accessible. I believe I can find a physician near me, and can expand my search to the find a functional physician trained in this protocol. I do have a specific question prior to embarking on this. I’m diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome w probable dysautonomia and possible small vessel disease causing brain atrophy and temporal slowed waves. Do you know if Dr Bredeson’s research ruled in or out vascular etiologies of cognitive decline? (An Amazon review said prior work included it, but the book dropped it without explanation.) Thank you for your time.
Larry Soucek
2/10/2018 09:45:06 am
Excellent review but I think more significant is your vision of making ReCODE available to the masses.
fannie shannon
3/22/2018 07:06:08 am
pre alzheimers patient
Pat Coburn
4/17/2018 09:13:17 am
My husband has been diagnosed with aphasia. She has said previous unless there are toxins. We live in Maryland. Can you tell me how to reach a Bredensen trained doctor in my area or on the east coast? My husband suffers from low BP as well. Today it was 98/61. We have gone from dr. to dr. The neurologist said no special diet and no supplements were necessary. My husband had a lot come up on labs as well. Thank you and any suggestions would be helpful.
Emma Marro
5/4/2018 07:15:53 am
Are there any doctors in Australia? If so, can you please provide their contact details.
Myrto Ashe
5/4/2018 07:27:23 am
The only list I know I have described above: it is the list of providers at the Institute for Functional Medicine. https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/?location=montreal&country=CA&rad=150&pos=
Myrto Ashe
5/4/2018 07:28:17 am
The other list is at MPI Cognition but as of this writing requires a subscription to obtain.
John Hatch
5/16/2018 01:56:24 am
My wife was diagnosed of Parkinson’s Disease at age 49. She had severe calf pain, muscle pain, tremors, slurred speech, frequent falls, loss of balance, difficulty in getting up from sitting position. She was put on Senemet for 6 months and then Siferol was introduced and replaced the Senemet. During this time span she was also diagnosed with dementia. She started having hallucinations, lost touch with reality. This year, our family doctor started her on Natural Herbal Gardens Parkinson’s Disease Herbal mixture, With the help of Natural Herbal Garden natural herbs we have been able to reverse her symptoms using herbs, which i feel has made the most difference. 1 month into the herbal treatment she improved dramatically. At the end of the full treatment course, the disease is totally under control. No case of dementia, hallucination, weakness, muscle pain or tremors. She turned 56 today. i am glad to get my wife back
Isaac D Molina
9/3/2018 09:33:32 am
AWSOME ! Could you help me to find somebody who can give me this support that you offer to us, but in Spanish lenguage ? Here in USA or in Colombia, South America ?Thanks for your help.
I'm a 52 year old female. It was recommended that I get Dr. Bredesen's book and learn as much as possible since I'm showing signs of needing help in this area. I feel I'm way too young and it's very scary to think about. I'm hoping that knowledge will be helpful for me.
10/23/2018 09:18:23 pm
My daughter has MS and is using Dr. Wahl's protocol. Her doctor is fighting her all the way, constantly trying to make her take drugs. She did that for a week but she could not even get out of bed as they made her so sick. My husband has the beginnings of dementia, complicated by deafness. I am hoping that the approach to Alzheimer's works as well for him as Dr Wahl's diet does for our daughter who now has NO symptoms after 5 years of the program.
Joanne Findley
12/2/2018 09:38:00 pm
My 74 year old father has Cognitive Decline. He met with a Bredesen trained doctor who said he could help him. The 8 month program will cost $13000. Does that sound reasonable to you?
12/4/2018 11:03:41 pm
Hi Dr Ashe, can this protocol also be used for Parkinson’s?
12/4/2018 11:11:12 pm
I would look at Dr. Wahl's diet for Parkinson's as, I understand, it is similar to MS and The Wahl Diet is a miracle for MS.
1/19/2019 05:15:25 pm
Have one copy of APoE4 gene
2/2/2019 08:04:07 am
Two suspected cases in my immediate and near-immediate family, both females. I am male, age 77, with "sr moments" enough to make me worry about it.
I have read the Bredesen book twice. It makes sense to me. However, I am skeptical because I have found no real people (only stories in the book and other website that repeat the same stories) who have said that they have had success with the Bredesen Protocol.
Finlay Cedar
3/1/2019 09:22:47 pm
My husband has been diagnosed with Alzheimer in 2016 there's a herbal foundation in Johannesburg they cured my husband Alzheimer's disease . Pm me i will give their details. People can search about them on Google or youtube(total cure herbal foundation). My husband faced many difficulties and was in several depression, Trouble understanding visual image, aggression ,so many,. This thing happened to him in very crucial stage of our life. PM if someone needs info or buy direct from them totalcureherbsfoundation c om they cured 100% of Alzheimer with their herbal formula .
3/1/2019 11:35:34 pm
Can I just say what a relief to find someone who actually knows what theyre talking about on the internet. You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people need to read this and understand this side of the story. I cant believe youre not more popular because you definitely have the gift.
3/20/2019 05:44:06 pm
Some genuinely excellent content on this internet site, thank you for contribution.
Lana Adkins
4/9/2019 10:40:01 am
I’ve been reading Dr. Bredesen’s book in hopes of helping my mother, 77, diagnosed 1.5 years ago, but we were unaware of the diagnosis until several months ago due to “some clerical errors” in her primary care doctor’s office. My mom watched her own mother die after a grueling Altzheimers battle and has always been very afraid of this disease. Like everyone else, I have exhausted myself trying to get this book and it’s hope onto the desks and into the minds of the 2 dozen doctors who my mother (and father) rely on for her multiple chronic inflammatory illnesses - and who try to keep her on countless prescription drugs to “manage” her illnesses. It’s completely heartbreaking and overwhelming and seems impossible to break through. Though I will continue to press and push until there’s nothing left to try. She also has Rheumatoid Arthritis with hip and knee replacements (beginning in mid- 50’s), severe chronic pain due to neck/spine stenosis, scoliosis, chronic inflammatory bowel issues, hypo-thyroid, drug-induced lupus, chronic nausea, and on and on. I’m 52 and lead a very health conscious/active lifestyle, but was recently diagnosed as hypo-thyroid with Hashimoto's disease. Now with mom’s Altzheimers diagnosis, (and other grandparents who developed dementia before passing), I now have enough genetic history on both sides of my family to be very concerned and thus will be proactive for my own cognitive future as well. I’m in Dallas, my parents are in Wichita, KS. I’m working to find a trusted and affordable trained Bredesen specialist here to bring my mom to and finally get things moving forward in hopes of seeing her mind and quality of life improve. One of my daughters (and recently myself) have been helped tremendously in other health care areas by Dr. Margaret Christensen, co-founder of Carpathia Collaborative, a growing integrative medical practice here in Dallas. I believe they are in the process of getting Bredesen’s ReCode protocol available to patients through several practitioners in their clinic. Praying and hoping this will open the door that’s been closed and locked for my mother and as many others who can get to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for help. My prayers will go to the Lord for guidance/sustenance/healing for everyone else who has posted on this blog who need real help and hope for their loved one or themselves faced with this monster disease.
4/16/2019 05:53:40 pm
I enjoy reading through and I believe this website got some really cool stuff on it!
4/24/2019 08:17:52 am
Saw u today on the 700 club Dr. Bendesen. Enjoyed and plan to get your book the end to Alzheimer. God bless. Keep up the blessed work your doing. Dee
5/12/2019 01:37:40 pm
Thanks for sharing this Great article
5/31/2019 12:25:31 pm
Thanks for this article guys, really great job!
6/30/2019 06:41:43 am
Thank you Kris for sharing this good and inspiring Stuff. Keep sharing!
7/3/2019 06:40:49 am
Share this article with her, and let her know that it has helped you to see that you may have made some errors in your behavior… Maybe she will appreciate the gesture and come around? Just a thought, from a stranger. I hope that things get better between the two of you.
LaVonne Hartman
7/26/2019 05:01:08 pm
I wish everyone well. However, I feel obligated to warn others about the experience I’ve had with Dr. Bredesen and his ReCODE program. I very enthusiastically and optimistically attempted to enroll my husband 18 months ago.
9/4/2019 04:37:22 am
Nice article.. thank you very much for spending the time to write this post.
9/4/2019 06:19:12 am
Like i said my heart has always been clean n true for you i cant even think how life is gona be with out you n how im gona live it with out you by my side
9/5/2019 05:10:17 am
I love the idea of a poll! I know that all these ideas work well because you taught them to me and I have found a way to survive in the organic reach game!
9/8/2019 11:15:39 am
Thanks for the great reminders, Kim. I’m not finding that poll page
9/14/2019 12:40:05 pm
Thank you so much for this information. It is very helpful.
9/15/2019 09:13:24 am
Thank you so much for this information. It is very helpful.good
10/20/2019 01:44:09 pm
Thank you so much for sharing this useful information, I was searching for this for last one month.
10/27/2019 12:16:34 pm
This article is profoundly helpful, and I thank you for it.
11/3/2019 07:34:55 am
Thank you so much for this information. It is very helpful.
11/12/2019 10:02:10 am
this is useful! I see many small businesses struggling with content
1/7/2020 11:14:20 pm
Thanks for the great reminders, I’m not finding that poll page.
1/25/2020 09:50:34 am
thank you
2/2/2020 04:38:27 am
Nice article.. thank you very much for spending the time to write this post.
2/6/2020 08:32:09 pm
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3/5/2020 04:33:46 am
My mom lives with me and has an Alzheimer's disease for about 8 years now. Her body is healthy but she has almost no speech, is pretty much always confused, sleeps most of the day away, is incontinent and requires constant care. The saving grace in all this is that her personality has not changed. She does get frustrated but mostly she has stayed her own sweet self. It is exhausting caring for her and working, and expensive but necessary to have help. I'm trying to keep her at home but I don't know how long this will go on and her needs are increasing almost daily. She will be 90 in a few she was adjusting to the medications Donepezil (Aricept), but they make her feel sick also. she had problems recognizing other family members and friends. or getting dressed..When the medication no longer helps, i searched for alternative treatment and i was introduced to Health herbal clinic in Johannesburg who have successful herbal treatment to Alzheimer's disease. I spoke to few people who used the treatment here in United States and they all gave a positive response, so i immediately purchased the alzheimer's disease herbal remedy for my mother and she commenced usage, she used the herbal supplement for only 2 weeks, all symptoms gradually faded away, . contact this herbal clinic via their email [email protected] . or his whats-app+2349061399224 herbs are truly gift from God
3/21/2020 12:44:13 pm
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3/23/2020 12:26:54 pm
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3/28/2020 11:04:47 am
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3/30/2020 12:54:27 pm
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4/2/2020 11:58:43 pm
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4/30/2020 04:34:59 am
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Jane McMahon
3/28/2021 08:41:14 pm
My spouse 73 y.o spouse was diagnosed with Parkinsons two years ago and has shown a major decline in cognitive functioning. Is this program relevant to the decline he is experiencing which the neurologist thinks is due to Parkinson's?
7/10/2021 11:02:34 am
Thanks for insightful great article with in-depth information on the topic, it really impressed me, I will share this article further with my friend.
7/10/2021 11:06:08 am
Great, thanks for sharing this blog post.Much thanks again.
11/22/2021 03:20:24 am
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Sakina Axelrod
10/10/2022 12:13:59 am
My husband first experienced confusion and loss of memory in March of 2000 while undergoing rehab for alcoholism. Being home seemed to help him until 2006 when he gradually began experiencing Alzheimer’s symptoms. He had four to five hours a day where he wants to get a "greyhound" to "go home." Also, he thinks I am his sister and believes he has rented a car (he hasn't driven in five to 10 years). His personal hygiene was in the tank — it was necessary for him to change two to three times a day. Without long-term insurance for his care, it was becoming stressful to care from him. this year our family doctor introduced and started him on Healthherbsclinic Alzheimer’s Disease Herbal Tincture, 6 months into treatment he improved dramatically. At the end of the full treatment course, the disease is totally under control. No case of Alzheimer’s, hallucination, forgetfulness, and other he’s strong again and able to go about daily activities. visit their official website, www. healthherbsclinic. com
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Blog AuthorDr. Myrto Ashe MD, MPH is a functional medicine family physician. Archives
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